Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Few Good Men Analysis - 1331 Words

A Few Good Men Analysis Philip G. Zimbardo, Herbert C. Kelman and V. Lee Hamilton, and Crispin Sartwell directly or implicitly discuss the power of situation. Stanford professor Zimbardo’s â€Å"The Stanford Prison Experiment,† analyzes and explains his experiment, in which twenty-one male Stanford students were assigned roles as guards and prisoners in a simulated prison. He summarizes the extreme behavior and reactions that resulted in early termination of the experiment, and discusses the power of situational factors in altering the subject’s expected behavior (Zimbardo 116-117). Similarly, in â€Å"The My Lai Massacre,† Herbert C. Kelman and V. Lee Hamilton summarize this atrocious crime committed by the U.S. military; furthermore, they†¦show more content†¦Dr. Phil interviews a military Ranger, Alex, who robbed a bank inadvertently. The Ranger was under the impression that he was taking place in a military drill, as his superior ordered a â⠂¬Å"hit† on the bank. Alex, like Dawson, received orders from a commanding officer to carry out an act he would not perform on his own accord. Alex claimed he felt as though â€Å"something was off,† but he completed the robbery anyway, because he was ordered to (â€Å"When Good People do Bad Things†). Zimbardo would attribute Alex’s actions to the situational force of the military training he was under; similarly, he would credit Dawson’s actions to a deep respect for the military code: â€Å"unit, corps, God, country.† Suicide checks, in which a solider puts a gun to his/her head and pulls the trigger, not knowing whether it is loaded or not, provide an example of the extreme dictation of the military code over soldiers (â€Å"When Good People do Bad Things†). This example effectively provides reasoning to why Dawson repetitively stresses that his actions were not wrong, and he will not disrespect the code by agreeing to Kaffee and R oss’ bargain that would allow him to go home in six months. If true, this helps explain how terrorists are willing to commit depraved actions, because it furthers a cause they deem more important than their crime. Kelman and Hamilton logically utilize Zimbardo’s concept of situational forces andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of A Few Good Men1647 Words   |  7 PagesBreaking the Chains of Social Conformity â€Å"You can’t handle the truth!† In the movie A Few Good Men, directed by Rob Reiner and based off a true story, that is an iconic quote. Although this movie was made in the early 1990s, this can be quoted by many people today. However, many do not know the significance of this phrase. It seems pretty straightforward, but it contains a deeper meaning than what the surface level may reveal. Throughout the movie, it investigates a case where they are trying toRead MoreA Few Good Men Legal Analysis796 Words   |  4 PagesA Few Good Men Legal Analysis - Aakriti Gera A Few Good Men is a 1992 American legal drama directed by Rob Reiner. 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