Friday, November 1, 2019

Analysis and results Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Analysis and results - Dissertation Example One of the most important questions asked in this survey was the method used by the RNs to screen for PPD. None of the nurses reported using any screening tools for the evaluation of PPD. The commonly used methods for the evaluation of PPD were found to be: asking general questions or identifying risk factors during the postpartum office visit; telephonic questioning when patients called to inquire about any queries, concerns or symptoms that they have; as a part of the documentation for the admissions database during the admission for delivery and during chart review or as a part of the routine history during the obstetric visits. Amongst these, the most common method was chart review or while obtaining obstetric history, during which the two main questions asked were whether the patient has had any prior episodes of PPD in previous pregnancy or a history of pre-existing depression and whether she was taking any medications. This practice is in stark contrast to the recommendations for the screening of PPD in the existing literature. ... â€Å" to develop a rapport with the patients and enable them to share their experiences. This practice is in concordance with the existing literature as some studies advocate the use of simple, open ended questions such as â€Å"Are you sad and depressed?† and â€Å"Have you had a loss of pleasurable activities?† as an initial screen for PPD. The use of such questions helps the women in opening up and sharing their experiences and concerns (Goldbort, 2006). There are also several shortcomings of the above mentioned methods for the screening of PPD. First, for women who are having their first baby, the question whether they experienced PPD in any prior pregnancies becomes void. Similarly, most patients who are experiencing PPD for the first time might not be on any medications and thus the question whether they are using any medications currently, is not of any use in such patients. It is thus important to use effective screening strategies which are designed to encomp ass all patients, including those who are pregnant for the first time, so that none of the patients is missed. The most common setting for PPD identified in this survey was during obstetric visits or on admission for delivery. This was followed by screening for PPD during the postpartum visit. There have been various studies conducted in order to determine the most effective screening method and setting for the screening for postpartum depression. The most appropriate and convenient settings for the screening as recommended by the current literature is during the mother’s post-partum visit or during the well child visit of the baby (Gjerdingen & Yawn, 2007; Callister, Beckstrand, & Corbet, 2010). Moreover, recently, other novel innovative strategies for screening

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