Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hydrogen fuel cell technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hydrogen fuel cell technology - Essay Example Because of this, hydrogen stored in tanks of any construction will evaporate at an approximate rate two percent per 24 hours. As hydrogen gas penetrates a container, it initiates structural changes which cause the metal to become increasingly brittle. Another concern is the size of fuel tanks necessary to carry hydrogen fuel. To substitute the energy capability delivered by 20 gallons of gasoline would require approximately 62,000 gallons of hydrogen gas. To this point, low-density compressed hydrogen is used to power automobiles, which does not allow for the same range as does gasoline. Additionally, compressed hydrogen carries the risk of leaking through fuel tanks or escaping from the result of an accident thus causing an explosion. The Hindenburg incident is an example of the volatility of hydrogen gas. Liquefied hydrogen stores in a much smaller space, 60 gallons equates to 15 gallons of gasoline. However, there are the impediments to the storage of liquid hydrogen. It is a very cold substance, enough cold enough to freeze air (Romm, 2000). This frigidity quality plugs up valves in lines that carry the liquid hydrogen which has caused accidents in experimental vehicles. However, the rate of energy return is certain to improve as research continues. Other research has found that powdered metal hybrid compositions used for storage tanks allows for less volatility of hydrogen but are far heavier than conventional tanks (Romm, 2000).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Type of clothing line Essay Example for Free

Type of clothing line Essay PINK TARTAN Kimberley Newport-Mimran is the president and head designer of Pink Tartan, . The New York Pink Tartan showroom opened in 2004, and the line is now carried at Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale’s, Holt Renfrew and The Bay as well as specialty stores across North America, Dubai and Seoul. Newport-Mimran studied fashion merchandising and manufacturing management eventually moving into a career in the buying office at the Hudson Bay Company, North America’s oldest retailer. Her style philosophy was clear: â€Å"simplicity is the secret to elegance. † Newport-Mimran went on to product development and merchandising and specialized in denim and menswear at Club Monaco, where she learned the importance of structure and tailoring. â€Å"Execution is key† became her lifelong mantra. Newport-Mimran later moved to Caban where she further exemplified that sourcing is an art: finding fabric and manufacturing makes the difference in luxury design. There she met and married the CEO, Joe Mimran. Today the pair is viewed as Canadian fashion royalty; Mimran launched the Joe Fresh mass fashion phenomenon after the selling of Club Monaco to Ralph Lauren. Womenswear NARCES (The designer is Nikki irthensohn.) Nikki is a Canadian of Persian heritage who was born in Austria, and grew up in Iran and the UK. She holds a Masters degree in Business from Canada/The Netherlands. Her design education comes from growing up in the industry by learning from her mother an accomplished tailor who worked for Victor Edelstein who designed for the British Royal Family, including some of the most iconic gowns of Princess Diana. With NARCES, Nikki combines her very successful business career with a talent and love for fashion design. Womenswear specializes in after-five and evening wear THRESHOLD FT: RANK BY RANI Emerging designer Rani Kim is re-conceptualizing men’s fashion and modernizing the new era of menswear through her brand, RANK BY RANI. Beginning her fashion education at Ryerson University, Kim was trained to appropriate utilitarian design by redefining the structures of masculine menswear. Referencing her Danish design education from her exchange to Teko Design School in Denmark, Kim began developing designs for the modern international man. Her latest collection shown at Toronto Men’s Fashion Week is a strong example of her attention to detail and minimalist execution, which are strong elements of her brand. menswear KLAXON HOWL Since opening Klaxon Howl in 2005 owner and designer Matt Robinson has drawn inspiration from the archives of his legendary collection of the early to mid 20th century. These important, relevant pieces, books and films are studied and echoed in each design The entire Klaxon Howl collection is produced by hand, locally and in small batches using construction techniques rarely seen in modern North American manufacturing. Matt works with quality fabrics that lend them selves to each design. Most are woven on looms in Japan and cut and sewn with pride right here in Toronto. vintage militaria, workwear and sportswear BEAUFILLE Beaufille is founded by sisters Chloe and Parris Gordon. Beaufille is a contemporary line that references historical design elements within a modern context to create a sophisticated tough girl aesthetic. Beaufille represents the girl who has an eye for sophisticated construction, and who appreciates the juxtaposition between old and new. The Gordon sisters attended the Nova Scotia College Of Art And Design in Halifax, and through their exposure to all forms of art, including painting, drawing, filmography, design, photography, textiles, jewelry and fashion, joined up to create a brand that draws on their collective experiences. womenswear

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Steel Magnolias Theater Review :: essays research papers

In my theater class I was given the assignment of having to write a critical review of the play â€Å"Steel Magnolias,† by Robert Harling. So on the Wednesday before the holiday weekend (Rosh-Ha-Shana) I decided to make the trip over to the Hand Chapel on the Mount Vernon Campus, to see this play that I had already convinced myself was going to be dreadful, or at least that was what I wanted myself to believe. It was for this reason that in the beginning I wanted to be over critical and to pick apart every little detail. There was only one problem, the fact I thought the play was absolutely terrific. The caliber of this play was far superior to that which I had expected. Although, there were a few minor complaints I did have they hardly took away from the overall production. In my opinion, the most successful aspect in this play was the actresses, not just because they were good, but rather because they were incredibly believable. I did not feel that I was watching actors on the stage, rather that I was watching the lives of the six individuals unfold. They became their characters. A perfect example of this can be seen when Sabrina Hyman, who was playing the part of Truvy, was decorating the salon for Christmas and had to improv. While placing tinsel on the couch she was unable to keep it on the desired spot, because it kept falling off of the arm. Initially when she realized that the tinsel was not staying in its place she did not panic, as one would have thought. Instead she simply tried again, and then even a third time without showing any signs of a problem, she had to finally walk away without properly placing the tinsel where it should have been. This quick change in events did not throw her off in the least; she played it off like nothing was wron g. She played it off, as Truvy Jones would have in real life. Although I did feel that the acting in the play was truly amazing I did have two problems, and a couple of instances where I was given a reality check and reminded that it was just a play. My first complaint was that although Patricia Jenson and Jenny Towns did a terrific job, they were not able to play the part of elder women simply because of their age.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Theory and Praxis in Aristotle and Heidegger :: Aristotle heidegger Essays

Theory and Praxis in Aristotle and Heidegger ABSTRACT: The discussion of Heidegger's â€Å"destructive retrieve† of Aristotle has been intensified in recent years by the publication of Heidegger's courses in the years surrounding his magnum opus. Heidegger's explicit commentary on Aristotle in these courses permits one to read Being and Time with Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics and Metaphysics. My paper analyzes a network of differences between the two thinkers, focusing on the relationship between theory and praxis. From Aristotle to Heidegger, there is: (1) a shift from the priority of actuality to the priority of possibility. This shift, I argue, is itself the metaphysical ground of: (2) a shift from the priority of theory to the priority of praxis. This shift is seen most clearly in the way in which (3) Heidegger's notion of Theorie is a modification of his poà ­esis. The temporal ground of the reversal is seen in (4) Heidegger's notion of transcendence towards the world, and not towards an eternal being. Heidegger's "destructive retrieve" of Aristotle is getting more attention recently, as the courses he gave in the years surrounding the appearance of Being and Time are gradually becoming available. Heidegger's explicit commentary on Aristotle in many of these courses permits one to read Being and Time as a work written in conversation with the Greek master. Contrasting Being and Time with Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics and Metaphysics, my paper analyzes a network of relations and differences between the two thinkers, focussing on the relationship between theory and praxis. Between Aristotle and Heidegger, there is 1) a shift from the priority of actuality in Aristotle, to the priority of possibility in Heidegger. This shift, I argue, is itself the metaphysical ground of 2) a shift from the priority of theory in the one thinker to the priority of praxis in the other. This shift is seen most clearly in the way in which 3) Heidegger's notion of Theorie is a modification of a more original poà ­Ãƒ ©sis. The temporal ground of the reversal is seen in 4) Heidegger's notion of transcendence towards the world, and not towards an eternal being. I. From Aristotle's Actuality to Heidegger's Possibility For Heidegger, possibility precedes actuality: though human beings have a factical structure, the way that we interpret the world is on the basis of possibility. For Aristotle, however, actuality is prior to potentiality (Meta: 1049b 4ff). Now Aristotle's notion of physical potentiality and what Heidegger calls possibility are not identical.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Of mice and men Film Essay

â€Å"Of mice and men† is a very touching film of hopes dreams and friendship. Adapted from the novel by John Steinbeck. The film is about two friends, Lennie and George, with a dream of great times with their own land and house. But there is a another story intertwined with theirs, about what people think of women. The two stories together will hold you in an array of emotions from joy to sorrow, and pride to guilt. This film if full of brilliant acting and meaningful uses of light and props. Of the two stories we will look at the one about women. We open the film with a man sitting in the shadows. Little light is coming in through the slits in the wood he is leaning on. He looks depressed and upset and bows his head as if he’s trying to recall his memories of what went wrong to lead to this depression. And then we are suddenly in a field with early evening light filling a beautiful landscape, the main focus of our attention is of the woman running across the picture, she’s white with brown hair wearing a torn red dress. As she runs we can see she’s trying to run away form something or somebody, she’s crying and the only sound we hear is her distressed breathing like she wants to cry but is holding the tears back. She looks like she has been attacked, although the dress is torn we only see a petty coat and not any flesh so this suggests that it might not have been sexual. But we can’t really say for sure. The red dress represents passion so this says it could be sexual. We the see the two main characters running so we now think that they are connected to this. We never see this woman again in the whole of the story. The next woman we find is first only known as ‘Curly’s wife’. She first comes into the story when she enters the bunkhouse where Lennie and George have only just arrived and are unpacking. She’s wearing a flowery dress which could be seen as innocent as it is cool colours and doesn’t reveal much of her figure. Her hair is also in a very feminine style again to show innocence. â€Å"I’m looking for curly† she says, almost as if she needs an excuse for being there. But also at the same time using it in an almost flirty sort of way trying to see how the new boys will react. â€Å"He was in here a minute ago, but he left† George replies cutting off that conversation. He hasn’t stopped staring at her since she entered but not in a flattering way. We know he is a cautious person and he is almost looking at her trying to spot any type of threat. Especially as when Curly was in here he wasn’t particularly nice. So his wife, even if she isn’t like him in character, can still get him into trouble. â€Å"Well I guess I better look some place else† she says turning to face the door, only not to leave, just so the light shines on her from outside, showing off her figure. We now know that this girl is just one big flirt and George can see that. He wants her to leave as it’s the only thing that can happen to stop this tension, he can’t leave with Lennie as they have no excuse to. Eventually after some more flirty lines she leaves. Through this scene we have been introduced to the only other woman in the film and we know she’s a flirt and danger even if her image suggest otherwise at times. The camera reinforces this along with what she does. It starts with full body shots at the beginning of the scene and as she gets more flirtatious the shots concentrate on her upper body, then just her face, the attention is on her a lot of the time. The next scene with Curly’s wife is in a barn as George takes a mule in. As he calls out for the stable buck she answers instead and comes half way over to some bags of hay. She’s in another flowery dress, again trying to portray innocence be we know that she is anything but innocent. This time she is also holding a book, possibly a story or maybe a diary, either suggest that maybe she isn’t as much of the tart as we first thought and that she enjoys reading. Once again she tries to start a conversation, but George is still cautious of her and ignores her, concentrating on the mule. So to try to entice him she starts to once again flirt, as she sits on the bags of hay she leans back a little defining her chest. Her dress has ridden up revealing quite a bit of her leg, she pats the seat next to her trying to get him to come over. But still he just ignores her so she shouts. â€Å"come over here and talk to me!† he gets up and walks over to her. She calms down now she has her way. So she flirts to get her way most of the time but what we really want to know is if she really after a conversation or whether she only wants a cheap thrill like she has implied. All we have seen of her is her flirting and even now as he’s come over to talk she is leaning against a pole like a lap dancer, asking about whether he has a sweetheart back home. We can almost certainly say that she is only after one thing. But then some thing happens that maybe changes our perspective of her. Her husband comes in. He ask what’s going on and she says â€Å"nothing† â€Å"I wasn’t talking to you.† he replies â€Å"get back in the house.† â€Å"you don’t own me curly.† She says he now comes close to her and says in a way that seems like he might hit her â€Å"I said go†. And so she does. In this brief 2 minute talk we can see her relationship with her husband isn’t a good one but he had just caught her with another man so maybe he can justify his anger. In this scene we have seen that Curly’s wife is as we thought very flirty but that her relationship with her husband might cause this. She next walks into shot again in a flowery dress with a book as Lennie and George are hard at work in a field. In the scene before this Lennie and Curly have a fight. Lennie ends up with a bruised and scratched face and Curly gets a broken hand. â€Å"Hi.† she says, this is given a glance but they don’t reply or give any recognition. â€Å"sure is hot out here to day.† She try’s again to get conversation going. But again they don’t care and keep on working. So she try’s again. â€Å"I said it sure is hot out here.† â€Å"why don’t you go back to your house we don’t want no trouble.† Says George in a way that says I know I cant force you but I don’t want you here. This is of course because of what Curly did. She is taken aback by this, she is used to being ignored but not told to leave by anyone other than her husband. â€Å"I just want some one to talk to.† She says. â€Å"you got a husband, go talk to him† George replies. â€Å"yeah I got a husband.† She says almost in a disappointed way. She then asks how Curly got his hand broken. To which George lies and says he got his hand caught in a machine. But this doesn’t fool her so seeking an answer she asks Lennie who she knows won’t have the mental capacity to make up a lie. â€Å"how did you get those scratches on your face?† she asks. Lennie looks to George and then looks away saying, â€Å"he got it caught in a machine.† He answers. â€Å"is that so?† She says with a look that is trying to work out how Lennie thinks. Almost as if she is concerned for him. She then quietly leaves. In this scene we begin to see that she isn’t stupid she can work things out. Also that she doesn’t like Curly and being married to him. The possibility that all she wants is some one to talk to is again present. In her penultimate scene we change our whole opinion of Curly’s wife. Its set at night as Lennie and George are returning to the bunk house. Most of the other men are still in town spending their money in a whore house on girls and drink. Just as they are about to enter the bunk house Curly’s wife comes out of the shadows looking upset and as if she has been crying. â€Å"is curly back yet?† she asks. â€Å"no.† says George knowing that Curly could very well be with another woman right now. She then says how Curly broke her records and we finally see a frail side of her caused by the fact her husband is now out possibly with another woman, he doesn’t even talk to his wife, he doesn’t even leave her with some measly records to listen to. We are shoved into feeling sorry for this poor girl and guilty that we thought she was just after a cheap thrill, when all she really wanted was someone to talk too. We get to see the woman’s frail side in this scene and we finally see her true motivation for the way she is, we see that she is very hurt and is just good at putting a brave face on things. In her last scene Curly’s wife walks into a barn where Lennie has just accidentally killed a puppy. As she comes over he hides away and says how she would get him in trouble. â€Å"what’s wrong with me?† she shouts at him as he rejects her company. Lennie doesn’t see her as a sex object and so he doesn’t see any danger in her although he is slightly attracted to her. So he opens up a little to her and in turn she opens up and finally we see her shed this mask that only shows her body and the fact that she is just a woman and should be treated as just some object. But now Lennie is sitting there talking to her as an equal and this is the sort of interaction with other people that she has tried to get through out the whole film. We find out as she opens up that she wanted to be an actress and she had plans to go to the theatre or Broadway and be an actress. Lennie is going on about tending the rabbits and not really listening but still Curly’s wife doesn’t care and talks about her dreams still. Eventually they do start listening to each other, and they find a common like for soft things. She lets him feel her hair, and then we see her open up in another way. Usually Curly is only interested in one thing, quick sex to satisfy him with no feelings involved, but here with Lennie she is being appreciated with close touch. She likes the fact he is being gentle and soft only after the simple pleasure of being able to stroke her hair. But he is a child in a strong mans body and he doesn’t let go of her hair when she asks him to stop as he gets a little rough, and she screams, he grabs her and gags her, he only wants her to stop shouting but as he lays her back down we see that he has broken her neck. She lies silently in a pool of light on the hay as Lennie runs in fear. For a brief second we saw this beautiful woman blossom and show her true self and now she is gone. Though this film we see a progressing way in how men picture women. In the bunk house scene all we see is a flirty woman, and we are focused on her body. In the second scene we get another showing of this but at the end we see her giving in to her husband and maybe a suggestion of how he treats her. Next we see her being ignored by the boys, they consider her trouble even thought its not directly her fault, also we see a bit of her intelligence and that she isn’t that stupid. Then finally we see her frailty and that she is not just a pair of breasts on legs, she has feeling as well as a mind and emotions. We can conclude that because of the way men see her, causes her to flirt as it’s the only way to get any attention. Because she doesn’t get the conversation and interaction from Curly she turns else where and flirting is the only way to get that interaction she wants. In the last scene we see her mind, her dreams, opinions and thoughts. we see the side of her that has been ignored by every one just because she’s a woman. Through the whole film we don’t even get to know her name. But with Lennie these barriers are broken as he doesn’t understand them and so she can open up and talk to this person. Even though he might not be listening he isn’t blocking her out because she a woman and she gets the interaction that she wants and that she has been searching for. Then finally she dies and we are left with a memory of a woman that showed her mind to us and how she was no longer just a body to be looked at by men. But for a brief moment considered as an individual person.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Traditional religion as well as religious beliefs and practices are important issues which are discussed in ‘Things Fall Apart’ by Chinua Achebe. The major theme focuses on the conflict between the Igbo society and culture as well as the religion of the colonists. The Umuofia society is religious as it is characterized by the worship of Chuckwu the chief the god, spirits and the ancestors. It is clear that the religion practiced in Umuofia is animistic in nature similar to other  traditional religions in other parts of Africa.   The people of Umuofia believed that most of both the living and non living things had the ability of possessing souls and the spirits. For instance, members of the society believed that forests like the evil forests had sprits of  evil and that is why twins were abandoned there as they  were considered to carry bad luck. Further studies indicate  that it was possible for a man to buy a craving in the market and make it to be an object o f worship after invoking his spirit in it.   There were other spirits like the spirits of rivers, lakes, wells and the earth, to name just a few.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the Umuofia society, men and women were regarded differently as they did not hold the same positions. For instance, men were rulers as well as leaders while women were considered   Ã‚  as servants. Therefore, the spirits of women were inferior to the spirits of men although women were also allowed to carry out religious rituals since they could become priests. According to Achebe (pp. 30), the Umuofia community had a female deity who was known as ‘Ani’. In addition, there was also a male deity who was known as Agbala or the ‘Oracle of the Hills and the Caves’ (Achebe pp.30). According to Achebe, (pp. xxxv) ‘chi’  was a personal god for an  individual  which had the ability to  follow people throughout  their whole life.   One of the major characteristic of ‘chi’ was the fact that it was  capable of either  being  good or bad.   Such a characteristic was very important because  it  determined the success of an individual. Therefore, incase someone had a good ‘chi’, such a person ended up being successful while people with a bad chi were full of misfortunes. However, although ‘chi’ was powerful,  a person had the power of determining his destiny. In addition, medicine men could intervene and help someone with a bad ‘chi’  to become successful. The Umoufia society was powerful among its neighbors and was greatly feared. The neighbors considered going into war  with it as a last option, incase all the  other options  failed.   The priests and medicine men who were vey powerful contributed  greatly to  its  superiority.    Its source of the military power was the war medicine although the age of the same was not known.   The medicine  which was the source of  the strength was known as agadi-nwayi which meant an old  woman. Villagers  believed that an old woman with one leg was often seen by someone who passed by the shrine which was centrally placed in the evenings.   Since  the villagers believed that she was sacrificed when the village was being formed, that explains why she was capable of being powerful.   In addition, the villagers believed that performing religious practices and rituals made someone to be powerful. As a result, the woman could have derived  her power from the sacrifices  that took place during the formation of the village.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Achebe, Chinua. Things fall apart. Oxford: Heinemann, 1996. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Environment

Empty Aerosol Cans The amount of waste buildup will threaten human survival on Earth if its people do not begin to properly manage their waste. Recycling common used items, such as aerosol containers, facilitates a proper waste management system, reduces solid waste buildup, and most importantly, it protects nonrenewable resources used by the steel industry from depletion. Around the world, the households and industries of today use aerosol containers. People rely on aerosols for paint, deodorizers and cleaners, hairspray, adhesives, and even bug repellent. They are used on a daily basis because aerosol cans offer the most precise and efficient delivery of product to hard to reach places. The United Kingdom currently recycles just 7.5% of the 600 million aerosol cans that it produces each year. Clearly, people lack awareness of the ability of recycling centers to accommodate aerosol containers. However, the growing public concern over the disposal of solid waste has sparked the promotion of communities to collect empty aerosol containers. The aerosol and steel industry have teamed up to make recycling aerosol containers both efficient and accessible for the consumer and producers of aerosol products. Thousands of communities now include aerosols in both household and curbside buy-back and drop-off programs. Before the recycling process can begin, the aerosol container must be fully emptied. Otherwise, the propellant could cause dangerous effects when the container is compacted. The consumer will normally empty the container through regular use, as indicated by the aerosol’s instructions. The aerosol industry finely measures the product and propellant so that the consumer exhausts them equally with proper use. If a new can cannot be emptied due to a malfunction, the consumer should return it to its place of purchase. A consumer may also elect to bring a broken or stored aerosol container that can no longer be ... Free Essays on Environment Free Essays on Environment Empty Aerosol Cans The amount of waste buildup will threaten human survival on Earth if its people do not begin to properly manage their waste. Recycling common used items, such as aerosol containers, facilitates a proper waste management system, reduces solid waste buildup, and most importantly, it protects nonrenewable resources used by the steel industry from depletion. Around the world, the households and industries of today use aerosol containers. People rely on aerosols for paint, deodorizers and cleaners, hairspray, adhesives, and even bug repellent. They are used on a daily basis because aerosol cans offer the most precise and efficient delivery of product to hard to reach places. The United Kingdom currently recycles just 7.5% of the 600 million aerosol cans that it produces each year. Clearly, people lack awareness of the ability of recycling centers to accommodate aerosol containers. However, the growing public concern over the disposal of solid waste has sparked the promotion of communities to collect empty aerosol containers. The aerosol and steel industry have teamed up to make recycling aerosol containers both efficient and accessible for the consumer and producers of aerosol products. Thousands of communities now include aerosols in both household and curbside buy-back and drop-off programs. Before the recycling process can begin, the aerosol container must be fully emptied. Otherwise, the propellant could cause dangerous effects when the container is compacted. The consumer will normally empty the container through regular use, as indicated by the aerosol’s instructions. The aerosol industry finely measures the product and propellant so that the consumer exhausts them equally with proper use. If a new can cannot be emptied due to a malfunction, the consumer should return it to its place of purchase. A consumer may also elect to bring a broken or stored aerosol container that can no longer be ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Is Entropy and How to Calculate It

What Is Entropy and How to Calculate It Entropy is defined  as  the quantitative measure of disorder or randomness in a system. The concept comes out of thermodynamics, which deals with the transfer of heat energy within a system. Instead of talking about some form of absolute entropy, physicists generally discuss the change in entropy that takes place in a specific thermodynamic process. Key Takeaways: Calculating Entropy Entropy is a measure of probability and the molecular disorder of a macroscopic system.If each configuration is equally probable, then the entropy is the natural logarithm of the number of configurations, multiplied by Boltzmanns constant: S kB  ln WFor entropy to decrease, you must transfer energy from somewhere outside the system. How to Calculate Entropy In an isothermal process, the change in entropy (delta-S) is the change in heat (Q) divided by the absolute temperature (T): delta-S  Ã‚  Q/T In any reversible thermodynamic process, it can be represented in calculus as the integral from a processs initial state to its  final state of dQ/T. In a more general sense, entropy is a measure of probability and the molecular disorder of a macroscopic system. In a system that can be described by variables, those variables may assume a certain number of configurations. If each configuration is equally probable, then the entropy is the natural logarithm of the number of configurations, multiplied by Boltzmanns constant: S kB  ln W where S is entropy, kB is Boltzmanns constant, ln is the natural logarithm, and W represents the number of possible states. Boltzmanns constant is  equal to 1.38065 Ãâ€" 10−23  J/K. Units of Entropy Entropy is considered to be an extensive property of matter that is  expressed in terms of energy divided by temperature. The SI units of entropy are J/K (joules/degrees Kelvin). Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics One way of stating the second law of thermodynamics is as follows: in any  closed system, the entropy of the system will either remain constant or increase. You can view this as follows: adding heat to a system causes the molecules and atoms to speed up. It may be possible (though tricky) to reverse the process in a closed system without drawing any energy from or releasing energy somewhere else to reach the initial state. You can never get the entire system less energetic than when it started. The energy doesnt have any place to go. For irreversible processes, the combined entropy of the system and its environment always increases. Misconceptions About Entropy This view of the second law of thermodynamics is very popular, and it has been misused. Some argue that the second law of thermodynamics means that a system can never become more orderly. This is untrue. It just means that to become more orderly (for entropy to decrease), you must transfer energy from somewhere outside the system, such as when a pregnant woman draws energy from food to cause the fertilized egg to form into a baby. This is completely in line with the second laws provisions. Entropy is also known as disorder, chaos, and randomness, though all three synonyms are imprecise. Absolute Entropy A related term is absolute entropy, which is denoted by S rather than ΔS. Absolute entropy is defined according to the third law of thermodynamics. Here a constant is applied that makes it so that the entropy at absolute zero is defined to be zero.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Strategic Choice and Evaluation (synopsis) Essay

Strategic Choice and Evaluation (synopsis) - Essay Example Management can determine the direction the firm needs to head for continued success by conducting a SWOT. To take this a step further, the strategic manager may also conduct a matched paired analysis. The matched paired analysis allows the manager to match the strengths and weaknesses of the firm with the opportunities and threats. This will allow management to determine what strengths and opportunities are the best options for the firm to ensure the strategic plan objectives are achieved. Evaluating the strategies of each individual company allows management to find alternatives to improve the organizations plans for continued growth. Therefore, each company has to implement strategies to innovate new ideas and products for profitable gain. The Team D was involved in analyzing a company in order to develop a strategy for the company. The team tried to work on three areas including the development of a generic as well as a grand strategy and to identify the method of delivering high value. This in turn will help the company in developing a strategy that will assist then in their future goals. In order to develop a strategy an organization based strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis is necessary. The SWOT analysis along with the matched pair analysis helps the organization in matching the organization’s strengths as well as weakness with its respective opportunities and threats. The matching of these components helps organization in identifying opportunities that the organization can explore with its strengths for the attainment of organizational objectives. The company can even evaluate the strategies of its competitors in order to identify ways through which it can improve its own oper ations and attain

Friday, October 18, 2019

Global Industries experience with the then Pension Fund Manager Essay

Global Industries experience with the then Pension Fund Manager - Essay Example According to his analysis the funds represent a small fraction of the U.S.-managed fund industry, but despite this their net assets grew by 262% from 1998 to 2005, compared to a 10.8% increase in U.S. high-yield bond funds. There was significant public attention but academic research did not give much attention to the emerging market bond funds. So did the Pension Fund Manager who also did not pay proper attention to this fund. I would have gone deeper in my research as Pension Fund Manager and would take correct and patient decision before shifting from the fund. I would also for a diversified fund investment rather than concentrating on single fund and suffering. Similarly, if we study carefully the Lazard’s Emerging Market Equity Market Returns annually from 1993 to 2008 we can note of certain emerging markets doing very well. In 1997 Turkey, Hungry and Mexico returned more that 50% from the equity market. In 1998 Korea and Greece returned more than 50%; in 1999 Russia and Turkey returned more than 200% % and Indonesia, India and Korea returned more than 75% from this market. 2000 was a poor market but from 2001 the equity market again started looking up. By 2002 the return was very lucrative: Pakistan returning 150% and Check Republic and Indonesia returning about 40% and above. Minimum five important emerging markets continued yielding sound returns till 2007 The main problem concerns about reading the market trends correctly and selecting the target market with the help of proven experts in the market. Perhaps the Pension Manager could not foresee the correct trends in the market and his decision about investment yielded losses. In 2003 the loss incurred was due to wrong reshuffling of his portfolio to US Treasury Bills for two years and Treasury notes yielding only 1% to 3% return.  

Nuclear plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nuclear plan - Essay Example Instead, the United States was uniquely interested in maintaining a level of hegemony during the period in question. Even though the Cold War has subsequently ended and the division between East and West as partially healed, the United States is still insecure with respect to its overall projection of force throughout the world and the question of whether or not we can continue to be a global hegemony in a uni-polar system. As a function of this, it is the understanding of this particular analyst that it is incumbent upon the United States to sign the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty as a function of not only preserving the peace of ensuring that more destruction to the global environment is not affected. Ultimately, the desire not to sign the treaty is based upon the understanding that the United States can withhold this action as potential leverage within the face of an international crisis. What is meant by this is that during the time in which great powers might be in conflict, the United States might very well choose this particular period of time to test a particular new and devastating nuclear weapons. This would likely be done as a means of sending a signal and not necessarily with respect to seeking to understand the scientific properties behind the physics which allows the weapon to work. Another rationale for why the United States should sign the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty has to do with the fact that physical path of nuclear weapons are no longer required in an era in which supercomputers can provide extraordinarily salient and effective projections for the healed and megaton power they nuclear weapon is able to deliver. Whereas a fledgling nation that has only recently developed nuclear weapons might wish not to sign the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the United States should; due to the fact that every nation on earth is fully cognizant of the United States

Thursday, October 17, 2019

'A small businesses should adopt e-commerce' Essay

'A small businesses should adopt e-commerce' - Essay Example E-commerce is business over the internet and using the internet technologies which facilitates them to accomplish an organizations focus and objectives (Chaffey, 2004, p.46 - 53). As internet technologies are exploited to its entirety by the businesses providing products and services to consumers and customers, auctioneering turns out to be an everyday issue. Hundreds to thousands of people are taking part in the auctions which are arranged by the businesses over the internet for goods ranging from furniture to DVD’s. An internet strategy is urbanized to envelope all of their present problems and enhance good customer and supplier relations. Creating an internet website would make the company stand accessible anytime-anywhere. In doing so the security factors regarding data and transactions must be taken care. The problems with the present system must be analyzed for better insight of the organization and to fetch the primary reasons of enveloping technology. The present system of the small business is usually traditional in nature and is composed of paper work and manual systems which do not envelope the entire business integration and online operations. There is no mechanism to capture enough personal data about customer’s, namely feedback, preferences and tastes, to retain them or get new ones. Their Customer Relationship Management is quite poor. Analysis of customer base is not done at all. In addition to that the present system neither possesses automatic links for replenishment of their stock, which makes an impact for their suppliers. The present system is quite slow and does not exploit the brand value for selling its products and services to a large community of users. The technologies have a great impact on the building and construction of the e-commerce system. The various technologies used are classified into client and server side and more specifically they denote the e-commerce and

Consumer Law Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Consumer Law Master - Case Study Example These are the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 and Unfair Contract Terms Act. In order to critically discuss how consumer law can protect the interest of the consumer, it is essential to analyze the case study. Duck visited the showroom of Swan and looked at a television set priced at 500. He asked Swan about the set. Swan replied: "It's a beautiful model, never used, a snip at 500." In fact some of the internal wiring was not properly connected and the set had been switched on and used as a display unit in Swan's showroom for three days prior to Duck's visit. In this situation, and according to the Trade Descriptions Act, Swan is subject to the criminal offence as the one who has provided his consumer with misleading information. According to the Act, the description to the consumer may be given verbally or in the written form, thus there is no possibility for Swan to be justified on the basis of the information having been given in the oral form (Budnitz, 2004). The Act makes the verbal statement, including misleading information, an offence and thus it is a criminal action. ... However, there is also a question about what descriptions are to be supposed as trade under the act and is there any possibility for Swan to avoid penalty in this relation. The Act includes the following types of descriptions into the trade descriptions category: quantity, gauge or size of the goods; manufacture method; composition; performance, strength and fitness for purpose, which means that the goods should be mechanically sound and unbreakable, etc. In the situation described, it is clear that the misleading information provided by Swan, is included into the paragraph relating to the performance, strength of the TV set, and the fact that it must be mechanically sound. Thus, knowing the problem of the TV set and the wrong connections inside it, Swan has intentionally committed an offence and is subject to the penalties according to the Trade Descriptions Act 1968. As far as it is known that the statement made is false, it is also supposed to be a criminal offence under the Act, and as Swan is not a simple employee but is supposed to be a manager, he can be sued and subjected to these penalties, however the Act presupposes that any person guilty of intentional or unintentional mislead bears responsibility under the law. The maximum penalty is equal to 5,000 per offence. This penalty is provided by the Magistrates' Court; as for the crown Court, the fine size is unlimited, while the person guilty of misleading the customer may acqu ire up to two years of imprisonment. It is possible that Swan may lose his consumer credit license, but according to the situation described it is supposed that he does not have this license, having an agreement with Chicken-Credit Ltd,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

'A small businesses should adopt e-commerce' Essay

'A small businesses should adopt e-commerce' - Essay Example E-commerce is business over the internet and using the internet technologies which facilitates them to accomplish an organizations focus and objectives (Chaffey, 2004, p.46 - 53). As internet technologies are exploited to its entirety by the businesses providing products and services to consumers and customers, auctioneering turns out to be an everyday issue. Hundreds to thousands of people are taking part in the auctions which are arranged by the businesses over the internet for goods ranging from furniture to DVD’s. An internet strategy is urbanized to envelope all of their present problems and enhance good customer and supplier relations. Creating an internet website would make the company stand accessible anytime-anywhere. In doing so the security factors regarding data and transactions must be taken care. The problems with the present system must be analyzed for better insight of the organization and to fetch the primary reasons of enveloping technology. The present system of the small business is usually traditional in nature and is composed of paper work and manual systems which do not envelope the entire business integration and online operations. There is no mechanism to capture enough personal data about customer’s, namely feedback, preferences and tastes, to retain them or get new ones. Their Customer Relationship Management is quite poor. Analysis of customer base is not done at all. In addition to that the present system neither possesses automatic links for replenishment of their stock, which makes an impact for their suppliers. The present system is quite slow and does not exploit the brand value for selling its products and services to a large community of users. The technologies have a great impact on the building and construction of the e-commerce system. The various technologies used are classified into client and server side and more specifically they denote the e-commerce and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Restaurant Business in London Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Restaurant Business in London - Essay Example This paper illustrates that London is one of the few places on Earth where various kinds of restaurants are found. Since the population of London consists of various ethnicities, there are eclectic sources of food in the city. All kinds of cuisine are present that may range from Greek to Italian, African to Chinese and from German to Belgian. The restaurants present vary in the designs that they are created in too. While some may specialize in outdoor dining, others prefer indoors. The designs and the food both are designed in a way after studying the demands of the customers. In the past few years, there has been an increase in the number of restaurants in London. Many people relate the increase to postmodernism. According to Venkatesh, postmodernism is the term that is often used to capture the present effects of the world order. The transformation of the modernism that has occurred throughout the ages in all parts of the world has had many effects on the dressing, tastes, working habits and lifestyles of the people. Postmodernism has affected the restaurant industry in London too. Over the last few decades, there has been an increase in the demand for restaurants. Dining out is somewhat a ‘modern’ concept and therefore postmodernism has resulted in the success of the restaurant industry. There is a lesser trend of people eating at homes. According to Irving, one-third of the money spent on food and drink in the UK (and London) is spent on dining out. The total money that the restaurants make over a year is around 30 billion pounds. Consumer choices influence the success of the restaurant businesses because the demand for certain products is higher than others. In London, according to Christine & Co, the restaurants that specialize in fast food are more likely to prosper. This is because the busy life in London forces people to eat fast food.

Political Philosophy and Machiavelli Essay Example for Free

Political Philosophy and Machiavelli Essay Nicolo Machiavelli is a well known philosopher of the Italian Renaissance from the sixteenth century. The return of the Medici family in Florence in 1512 forced Machiavelli out of office, and he wrote The Prince after retiring from the public. The Prince is one of his most famous works, it describes the means by which a new leader may gain and maintain power. His ideas can be applied to new rulers ranging from a new principal to a new president of a new country. While discussing his ideas for new rulers, Machiavelli says Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? (Machiavelli 98). If a ruler is not able to do both, it is better to be loved than feared. Machiavelli answers his own question through his ideas of what makes a successful ruler. He argues that a prince is much safer being feared than loved. Machiavelli says â€Å" for love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails. (Machiavelli 99). He says that being loved creates opportunity for being taken advantage of and being feared doesnt fail. Bringing fear to his people with cruelty would make them united and loyal. Most people who are fearful of any authority fear punishment, so they are more inclined to not cross the line of disrespect. Without a doubt, being loved is more desired from the people and has a greater value compared to being feared, even though the perks of being feared can make a leader successful. Since its better to be loved than feared, there are three important characteristics to have to ensure that the new people youre ruling love you; these characteristics are being honest, having respect, and being protective. Honesty is an important characteristic to have because the body of people youre ruling and the way they act is a reflection of yourself. If you make honest and good behavior a key value, your people will do the same. If you dont make honest and good behavior a key value, your people wont trust that you are always doing the right thing and telling the truth. Machiavelli says, Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are. (Machiavelli 106). His quote shouldnt be true if youre an honest and truthful leader. Machiavelli says in his quote that a leader does not show his complete self to everyone, that he displays an act of goodness to his people and only reveals what he really is to those who ask for it. Being an honest leader inside and out will only help gain your peoples trust and true love. This quote also ties into the one that reads it is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. (Machiavelli 250). Machiavelli says that a leader must put on a false face to his people and pretend to have qualities that he does not actually have. Its not acceptable to hide yourself from your people because if you say youre going to protect them no matter what and you back out when something bad happens, your people will be disappointed and wont have trust in you. A successful leader who wishes to be loved should be honest to his people for who he really is because it will give him respect. You cant gain respect without giving respect. Respect is one of the most important characteristics to have when being a leader because people always want to be in an environment where they feel valued. A leader isnt going to be successful if their people arent happy and feel as if they arent important. If a leader is genuine with respect, his people will be more willing to give back respect and do as he says. Though, the truth is that it is important to give respect whether they feel the leader deserves it or not. As Machiavelli says, A prince is also respected when he is either a true friend or a downright enemy. (Machiavelli 250). It doesnt matter the relation you have with your leader, whether theyre a true friend or a downright enemy, youre going to respect them just because theyre your leader. Your people may not like what you do, but you will be respected. Its obvious that being respected out of actual love is the better than being being respected out of fear, and that good respect should lead to good confidence within the leader. The feeling of being protected is desired from a lot of people. If youre a new principal, your students and staff want locks on doors and an officer nearby. If youre the new president of a country, your nation wants to know that they have a reliable and strong army fighting for and protecting the country. A successful leader should always be ready for whatever situations may come. Machiavelli says, â€Å"He who does otherwise, either from timidity or evil advice, is always compelled to keep the knife in his hand. (Machiavelli 61). A leader should always be ready for quick action if some situation should arise. Your people will love and admire you if they know youre protecting them and is always cautious for quick problems. It takes great courage and confidence to take full responsibility for your peoples safety and well being. Being honest, having respect, and being protective are characteristics of being a successful but loved leader that have applied to people from before Machiavellis time all the way up to present day. Its easy to spot feared leaders such as Hitler apart from loved leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. Being loved not feared is better to be if you cannot be both because the people youre leading actually like you for who you are and are willing to do what you say, they arent scared into doing it. Martin Luther King Jr. led his people with the same respect they gave him, he was honest and true with his feelings, and he went above and beyond to change the worlds way of how they treated colored people to protect them from getting hurt and discriminated any longer. His people loved and admired him for who he really was, he didnt hide anything. Martin Luther King Jr. was a successful leader because he was loved and possessed honesty, respect and protectiveness.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Problems with air pollution in Manila

Problems with air pollution in Manila In Manila there are a lot of problems with air pollution, hygiene practices and the lack of good sanitation. These are the most important hygiene and health related risks in the Philippines. One-sixth of all deaths in the Philippines and approximately 6,000 premature deaths a year are because of hygiene, water-borne diseases and poor sanitation conditions. Diarrhea is the most common water-borne disease, then intestinal worms, typhoid, and cholera. These diseases are very common because more than 25 million Filipinos do not have a basic access to sanitation and more than 13 million do not have proper water resources. Thanks to the water pollution the costs increases, which led to more than 6.7 billion in 2006. Air pollution makes this even worse, and therefore it is another big issue. The most common diseases are chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and cardiovascular diseases. And this is not going away soon, the city has a lot of factors which increases this. Like the smoke the vehicles leave behind, but also something small like tobacco smoke. The people who clean the city, which are more than 18 million people, are the biggest victims of this air pollution All the costs of treatment and lost income, due to air pollution, is more than 7.6 billion per year. Although there have been some improvements in alleviating diseases from the lack of hygiene and air pollution, which is thanks the governments more pro-active attempt for the environmental role in health, it is still a major problem. There should be more easy-to-access information on different methods and also more improvements in health infrastructure, such as good sanitation facilities and a healthy water resource to prevent health risks from water pollution. The government is now busy with discouraging people to use vehicles with high smoke emissions. Which is a big factor in air pollutions Quick Facts 2005 Population growth (annual %) 1.87 Population, total (millions) 85.50 Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71.05 Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) 27.50 GNI (current US$) (millions) 98535 GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) 1160.0 Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49) . These are the Ten Leading Causes of Illness in the Philippines 1. Acute Lower RTI and Pneumonia 2. Bronchitis/ Bronchiolitis 3. Acute Watery Diarrhea. Influenza 5. Hypertension 6. TB Respiratory 7. Pneumonia 8. Diseases of the Heart 9. Malaria 10.Dengue Fever The most common diseases: degree of risk: high food or waterborne diseases: bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever vectorborne diseases: dengue fever, malaria, and Japanese encephalitis water contact disease: leptospirosis Of these diseases almost all of them are caused by the hygiene. Habitat A lot of conflicts are also because of their habitat, and what they are seen like. Because people cannot get easy higher up. The biggest one and the most known one is the Payatas The poorest families live on the Filipinos and collect trash of the dump. One of the dump places is Payatas, on the edge of Manilla. Where 4500 ton waste is dumped every day. More than 30.000 people, also children, live on this dump. Through day and night trucks are coming in and out with lots of garbage. This garbage consists of (operation) waste, from hospitals. It is not difficult to conclude that a lot of people get sick because of all the bacteria and germs that are produced by the garbage. Because of all the garbage that is dumped, the hill keeps getting bigger and bigger. This happens through the chemical processes who are caused by the scalding and joining together of substances. Around the dump there is a big haze which you can see on a very large distance. For most of the inhabitants of the Payates there is no other option than to work on the dump. More than 400 families collect garbage to support their family. Children from already a young age help with collection plastic, empty cans and other stuff which helps to produce some money. In short Payatas means a big hill with stinking garbage and a source for the incomes of hundreds of families Sanitation More than 2.6 billion people in the world have one thing in common, which is; they do not have good access to basic sanitation. Worldwide, there are about 1.7 million deaths a year, with 90% of them being children, who died mainly through infectious diarrhea. Which was caused by unsafe water, poor sanitation and hygiene. 1.5 million children a year could be saved by access to sanitation, good hygiene and a safe water supply A good sanitation will reduce children illnesses and so increase primary school enrolment, because children will not miss as much as used to be. Also it will increase the productivity among adults, it will provide more safety for women and also reduce the pollution of water resources. Fortunately it is increasing, in only 14 years more than 1 billion people have received access to sanitation. Sanitation and wastewater commitments have effectively tripled since 1990 and after that nearly doubled since 2002. Less than half of the Latin American countries are on track to double the rate of sanitation provision. Poor sanitation is responsible for at least 9 billion in losses per year in Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam combined. Sanitation is a neglected aspect of development in countries, the money going to this is minor. If you look to the economic impacts of poor sanitation, and the potential gains from improved sanitation, than the investments in sanitation should be very helpful for everyone The most disastrous impact of poor sanitation is an increased risk of infectious diseases and premature death, declaring for more than 4.8 billion annually. Poor sanitation also contributes enormously to water pollution, adding to the costs of safe freshwater for homes, and increasing the production of fish in lakes and rivers. Garbage and streets Garbage  is a big problem for the communities in Manila. In the past years, Smokey Mountain, once a smoking mountain of garbage, which was Manilas monument to one of the citys most continuously problems; trash. But through years of effort, Smokey Mountain has been increased to a big hill. Still the problem goes on: What to do with the amount of garbage produced by more than 10 million residents of Manila every. In Dagat-Dagatan, Navotas, a group of women has taken the matter, of the communitys garbage, into their own hands through the Metropolitan Environmental Improvement Program (MEIP). The MEIP is a regional program for Asia with the costs provided by the United Nations Development Program and the World Bank as collaboration partner. Through the funding received by the local Dagat-Dagatan Polymedic Medical Foundation, the women of the Dagat-Dagatan community established a community centre; the Zero Kalat sa Kaunlaran (Zero Waste for Progress), which is turning the garbage of their neighbourhoods into cash and opportunity. To eliminate the extausion of diseases, the foundation launched a program within the community to spread ecological waste management, set up a recycling system and a redemption centre, and continue with the maintenance of sanitation and hygiene in every household. The women, who are called volunteers but are actually members of a co-op. They first collect all the garbage, then sort it out at the community centre, and recycle almost all of it. Their recycling efforts take many forms. Some of the refuse is used in woven baskets and handbags, which the women sell for profit. But also some is sold to scrap metal dealers and to companies that recycle plastics and corrugated cardboard. The effort is actually more than a business for these women. They come together in the morning and exercise before starting the work of that day. They chat as they wash the water bottles and chat when they are on their way to the recycler. They have planted flowers and grass around the community and next year they will begin composting the scraps and clippings they collect to produce another marketable product. A women had admitted that this centre has changed her life. I was fascinated to see how the women managed to make money out of what people throw away, said Mats Karlsson, World Bank vice president for External Affairs and UN Affairs, who was visiting the women at the redemption centre. Karlsson, who was in the Philippines for the current Manila Social Forum, took some time visiting nearby projects. I was especially impressed by their motto: Kung hindi tayo, sino? which means in english, If not us, then who?' Drinking water Bottled water has established a major foothold in the Philippines. In some places, there are no piped-water systems; in others, people are not sure about biological contaminants, taste, odor, and the disinfection by-products from the chlorination process. Even in the Manila, only about 75% of the population receives piped water from the municipal authority. Outside Manila even fewer people have access to healthy water distribution. In both locations, these people must find alternative water sources if they want to avoid cholera epidemics and other health problems caused by the only water that is available in their neighborhoods. There is already a solution appearing, and now happening in thousands of water refilling. The shops began as private community sources, where consumers went with their containers to fill them up for a per-gallon fee, which was a small part of commercially bottled water costs. Most stores deliver home for regular customers nowadays. Most of those shops produce between 3,000 and 12,000 liters of water per day. Everything of the supply comes from the pipes of municipal concessionaires. The executives invests in treatment equipment and further purify their product before they sale it. Other shops are likely supplied by unauthorized or illegal diggings. A production of these private sources could have damaging effects on the groundwater reserves and will lead to contamination. The government has accepted private water shops, because of the increasing of waterborne diseases, but they do monitor their quality control practices and final product as much as they can. However, it is difficult to continuously keep an eye on the entire industry, given the large number of shops. Although many people in the Philippines benefit from the availability of water shops, the system does not really account the long-term water delivery and sanitation infrastructure improvements, which are necessary to provide reliable water to everyone. A lot of people do not live near a source of water. Distribution systems take the water from a source and deliver it to people who use it. They use different distribution systems which are depending on the needs of the people and the amount of infrastructure available. All of these systems have a risk of contaminating water when it is not handled properly. Every system has a cost involved to bring safe and reliable water to people. HouseholdpService In the larger cities of the world, it is standard that there is water pumped from a natural source, which is treated in a water treatment plant, stored for use in water storage tanks and then piped directly into every household. The cost of household service, which is the delivery, treatment for this water, but also the upkeep of this system is usually paid by its consumers. If the infrastructure is not maintained good, household service can become unreliable and result as possibly unsafe. WaterjSupply by Vehicle In a lot of areas, the plumbing in households is unreliable or non-existent. In these areas other distribution systems are developing. For instance in the Mexico City are, more than 2 million people live to far from piped distribution systems. For these people, water trucks transport water from the piped distribution systems directly to their home. Those water trucks can also be used to combat when there is natural disaster or a temporary water crises caused by war. BottledlWater and Water Refilling Stations Bottled water or water refilling stations are used in many areas where people have no access to clean water. In the Philippines, clean water is sold at water refilling stations throughout the whole country. At these stations, consumers may bring their own containers with them, to carry the water back home. The poor are the ones that are the most depending on vehicle delivery, bottled water, and water refilling stations. Unfortunately, the poor also need to pay the highest price for the water that is being delivered by such methods. CentrallCommunity Source In the rural areas almost no household infrastructure exists, so the communities dig wells and bore holes, and then they can pump groundwater to a central location in the community. From these central community sources, consumers collect water themselves and bring it back home for treatment and then use. In rural Niger, solar pumps and hand pumps were installed by the international aid organizations at central locations within villages. These pumps provide easier access to clean water without having to dig up water from traditional wells. These water stations are used by the community and also, in most cases, maintained and controlled by the community. Individual WaterlTransport Most people, especially in the rural areas of developing countries, have to walk to a lake, river, or other water sources and put the water in containers. This water is brought back home and, but needs treatment before use. In comparison to other methods, this distribution system is the simplest solution . But it does involves costs. Water gatherers, women and children are spending hours each day being busy with this basic chore. This responsibility leaves them to little time for good schooling, earning any income, crowing food, or any other things that will help them live without poverty. It does not matter on which location the distribution systems are they need to have some form of infrastructure that must be maintained to keep the water safe and healthy. And while all distribution systems involve costs, somelcosts can be more expensive than others. STIs What is a STI? STI is the abbreviation of sexually transmitted infection. STIs are contagious, and it is possible an infected person has not noticed yet before passing the infection on to its sexual partner without noticing. Luckily, serious consequences can be prevented when the victim is treated in time. Some examples of STIs are HIV (the virus that can cause AIDS), chlamydia, genital warts, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B, and syphilis. STIs can be transmitted through infected sperm and vaginal fluid. Second, people can also get an STI through infected blood, for example due to unhygienic tattooing and piercing, unhygienic needles etc. with using drugs, and babies can be infected during the pregnancy or birth. Third, STIs can be transmitted due to the contact between mucous membranes (in the rectum, penis, vagina, and mouth). And last, and probably best known, unprotected sex is dangerous because of an easy transmission of STIs. There are some myths about the transmission of STIs. So lets get rid of them forever. STIs cannot be transmitted through drinking out of another persons cup, someones cough, insect bites, a dirty toilet seat, and in a swimming pool. HIV/AIDS Since the start of 2009 every month approximately 60 Filipinos are diagnosed as an HIV positive. But this rose sharply to 126 cases in December. If this will not stop, the number will increase rapidly. And in three years the number of people in the Philippines with HIV/AIDS will be 30,000. In January 2010 143 people were diagnosed with HIV in the Philippines. This was the highest number reported since the disease first appeared in the country, in 1984. Most of the cases in January were males, who were infected by sexual contact with men. Since 1984 the Philippines has had 4,424 cases of HIV reported, of these cases 832 have been developed into full-blown AIDS and 314 deaths had been reported. Also among children the HIV infection is increasing as never before. The infection among 15-24 year old Filipinos has increased with five times, from 41 in 2007 to 218.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

God and Person :: essays research papers

God and Person   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The word â€Å"person† can be interpreted and defined in many different ways, and there are many different aspects to consider when stating what a person really is. Accomplishments, goals, likes, dislikes, and experiences in life make a person who he or she really is. Traits most â€Å"central† to being a person include consciousness, reasoning, self-motivated activity, the capacity to communicate, and having a self-concept. A mind does contribute to a person’s self—a mind is what makes up part of a person, yet does not define one. A soul is the greatest element of a person. Your instincts, personality, and true feelings are all held within the soul of a person. But last, but not least, society has a major contribution and influence on a person, and can sometimes help define what a person really is. There are so many different ideas running free in society that people latch on to, creating and assisting in molding who a person really is. Certain principles and standards of society influence people’s choices and beliefs in life. Society is not a substantial part of who a particular person is, but it is an amazing contributing factor. Events, relationships, and situations throughout someone’s life do show what a person really is. A person is someone who has many different emotions and thoughts within themselves, and the life that one lives through, or the events that one sees, also helps to establish who and what a person evolves and discovers himself or herself to be. A person is someone who stands up for what they believe in to help a cause, someone who appreciates who they are and what life really is, and someone who can decipher the concept and meaning of right from wrong. A person has many aspects, but it is not one particular thing that makes a person a person. It’s mind, body, soul, social issues, and other qualities rolled into one. Epistemological considerations are also used in the definition of a person when considering and bringing God into the picture. Epistemology is being able to know what you know about God; therefore, a person is also made up of beliefs and ideas too. We know about God by reading books, listening to the Word of God at Mass, looking over the Bible, etc., but you must often have faith to even believe in God. Faith and mystery both play majors roles when considering God in the light of the human person.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Toltec, Aztec, and Mayan Indian Tribes Essay -- Pre-Columbian Hist

The Toltec, Aztec, and Mayan Indian Tribes TOLTECS> The Toltecs were an Indian tribe who existed from 900 A.D. to 1200. They had a capital city of Tollan, and their influences reached south to the Yucatan and Guatemala. They were a composite tribe of Nahua, Otomi, and Nonoalca. The Tolt ecs made huge stone columns decorated like totem poles. AZTECS> Aztecs were an American Indian people who rule an empire in Mexico during the 1400's and early 1500's. They practiced a religion that affected every part of their lives. To worship the Aztecs built towering temples, created huge sculptures, and had human sacrifices. The center of Aztec civilization was a river valley in Mexico. The emperor of the Aztecs was called the "huey tlatoani" (great speaker). A council of high-ranking no bles chose him from the members of a royal family. The Aztec society had four main classes nobles, commoners, serfs, and slaves. The typical Aztec household consisted of a husband and wife, their unmarried children, and a number of the husbands relative s. Boys were educated by...

To Kill a Mockingbird – Dill Harris Character Sketch

Charles Baker Harris, who is commonly referred to as Dill, is a little boy in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird and plays the role of a cardboard character. Dill is sincere friends with Scout and Jem and spends his summers with Aunt Rachel. Dill represents the naivety and innocence of childhood and is a very intriguing character. Dill appears to be younger than his actual age. In the beginning of the novel, Dill had a short stature and appeared to be four years of age, when in actuality, wassix years of age. â€Å"How old are you,’ asked Jem, ‘four and a half (Lee, Page 7)? ’† â€Å"‘Goin’ on seven (Lee, Page 7). † â€Å"‘Scout yonder’s been readin’ ever since she was born and she ain’t even started school yet. You look puny for goin’ on seven (Lee, Page 7). ’† The quotes from the novel are from a conversation between Jem and Dill when they met. Jem initially assumes that Dill is four and a half years because of his youthful appearance and petite body. Dill corrects Jem, stating that he is actually six years of age and is turning seven. Dill says in the last quote that he is quite small for his age. The quotes prove that Dill has a youthful appearance, small stature and appears younger than what he actually is. Dill also has white hair and a pair of blue eyes. â€Å"†¦ his hair was snow white and stuck to his head like duckfluff; he was a year my senior but I towered over him. As he told us the old take his blue eyes would lighten and darken†¦ (Lee, Page 8). † The quote from the novel is from the time when Scout is describing Dill’s hair and eyes. The quote is proof that Dill has white hair and blues eyes because this quote states that Dill’s hair was white with a duckfluff texture. The quote is also proof that Dill has blue eyes because the quote mentioned that Dill has a pair of blue eyes. Dill is of Caucasian race, given the fact that Dill has blue eyes. People of the Caucasian race are the only ones who can possess blue eyes. A positive trait that Dill possesses is his gift for storytelling and whimsical imagination. Dill would always make up peculiar stories about his life and share them with Scout and Jem. â€Å"Refreshed by food, Dill recited this narrative: having been bound in chains and left to die in the basement (there were basements in Meridian) by his new father, who disliked him, and secretly kept alive on a raw field peas by a passing farmer who heard his ries for help, Dill worked himself free by pulling the chains from the wall. Still in wrist monocles, he wandered two miles out of the Meridian where he discovered a small animal show and was immediately engaged to wash the camel. He traveled with the show all over Mississippi until his infallible sense of direction told him he was in Abbot Country, Alabama, just across the river from Maycomb. He walked the rest of the way (Lee, Page 140). † Another positive character trait that Dill possesses is his developed empathy for people. Dill desires fair treatment of every human being, regardless of race. â€Å"‘It was just something I couldn’t stand. ’ Dill said (Lee, Page 198). † â€Å"‘Dill, that’s his job. Why, if we didn’t have prosecutors—well we couldn’t have defense attorneys, I reckon (Lee, Page 199). ’† â€Å"Dill exhaled patiently. ‘I know all that, Scout. It was the way he said it made me sick, plain sick (Lee, Page 199). ’† â€Å"‘He’s supposed to act that way, Dill, he was cross—(Lee, Page 199)’. † â€Å"‘He didn’t act that way when—‘(Lee, Page 199). â€Å"‘Dill, those were his own witnesses (Lee, Page 199). ’† â€Å"‘Well, Mr. Finch didn’t act that way to Mayella and old man Ewell when he cross-examined them. The way that man called him ‘boy’ all the time an’ sneered at him, an’ looked ar ound at the jury every time he answered—(Lee, Page 199)’. † â€Å"‘Well, Dill, after all he’s just a Negro (Lee, Page 199)’. † â€Å"‘I don’t care one speck. It ain’t right, somehow it aint right to do ‘em that way. Hasn’t anybody got any business talkin’ like that—it just makes me sick (Lee, Page 199)’. The quotes from the novel are from a conversation between Dill and Scout after watching the trial of Tom Robinson for a while (Tom Robinson was a black man who was accused of sexually assaulting a white woman and was put on trial, despite the lack of evidence of the rape. The trial is unfair to Tom because the trial took place during the time when racism was prominent in the southern United States. The prosecutors and judges treated Tom disrespectfully and unfairly in the trial because he was black). In the conversation, it was shown that Dill was upset by the unfairness of the trial and the cruelty of the people towards Tom Robinson because he was black. Scout tries to comfort Dill, but Dill was far too upset by the injustice. In the last quote, Dill says to Scout that Tom shouldn’t be treated with disrespect because he was a Negro. The prejudice and unfairness of the trial reveals Dill’s empathy and desire for equal and respectful treatment of everyone, regardless if they’re black or white. This scenario in the novel causes Dill’s character to mature, such that he gains strong moral values like Atticus (Atticus is Scout’s father who is defending Tom Robinson and believes that black people should be treated equally and with respect, despite the fact that most of Maycomb’s citizens were racist). A trait of Dill’s that needs improvement is his naivety and his tendency to jump to conclusions without discussing his problems to anyone. Dill shows his naivety in the novel by running away from his parents because he believed that his parents didn’t love or care about him. Dill’s voice went on steadily in the darkness: ‘the thing is, what I’m trying to say is—they do get on a lot bettwe without me, I can’t help them any. They ain’t mean. They buy me everything I want, but it’s now-you’ve-got-it-go-play-with-it (Lee, Page 143)’. † The quote from the novel is from when Dill was e xplaining to Scout about why he ran away from his parents. Dill explains that he doesn’t feel loved by his parents because all his parents just do is give Dill material possessions to keep him occupied, instead spending time with him. What Dill really desires is not toys, but his parent’s time. Dill’s parents obviously love and care for Dill, but Dill is naive as to assume that his parents don’t. Instead of Dill discussing his situation with his parents or asking to spend time with him, Dill, with his naive mind, runs away from his parents. The fact that Dill ran away from his parents is proof that he is naive. â€Å"Jem gave a reasonable description of Boo: Boo was about sex-and-a-half feet tall, judging from his tracks; he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that’s why his hands were bloodstained—if you ate an animal raw, you could never wash the blood off. There was a long jagged scar that ran across his face; what teeth he had were yellow and rotten; his eyes popped, and he drooled most of the time (Lee, Page 13). † â€Å"‘Let’s try to make him come out,’ said Dill. ‘I’d like to see what he looks like (Lee, Page 13). ’† â€Å"Our first raid came to pass only because Dill bet Jem The Gray Ghost against two Tom Swifts that Jem wouldn’t get any farther than the Radley gate. In all his life, Jem had never declined a dare. Jem thought about it for three days. I suppose he loved honor more than hid head for Dill wore him down easily (Lee, Page 13). † â€Å"‘You’re scared,’ Dill said, the first day (Lee, Page 13). † â€Å"‘Ain’t scared, just respectful,’ said Jem (Lee, Page 13). † â€Å"But Dill got him the third day, when he told Jem that folks in Meridian certainly weren’t as afraid as the folks in Maycomb, that he’d never seen such scary folks as the ones in Maycomb. That was enough to make Jem march to the corner, where he stopped and leaned against the light-pole, watching the gate hanging crazily on its homemade hinge (Lee, Page 13). †

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Water Runs Dry – North American Water Crisis

Water Runs Dry – North American Water Crisis Collectively the United States is ranked as the greatest consumers of water worldwide; a startling fact for a country that cannot support its own unrivaled demands (Barlow, 2007). The United States is now crucially dependent on nonrenewable groundwater for a staggering 50% of its daily water usage (Barlow, 2007). In addition to such formidable numbers, citizens of the United States use and waste up 80-100 gallons or 454 liters of water per day (Perlman, 2009). The United States simply doesn’t possess enough fresh water or renewable sources of water to keep up with its gross demands. Nearly 40% of U. S waters are deemed unsafe for recreational activities such as fishing and even swimming (Barlow, 2007). The Ogallala Aquifer accounts for 95% of the United State’s groundwater, but it is being pumped so rapidly, that not enough rainwater is provided the chance to replenish the source. As a result 12 billion cubic meters (bcm) a year is extracted a year which amounts to 325 bcm of total depletion; equal to the yearly flow of eighteen Colorado Rivers (BBC, 2000). At the current rates, thirty-six states stand to confront similar water crisis compared to California within the next five years (Barlow, 2007). As, the United States water crisis continues to spiral violently downhill, its neighbor, Canada has already quickly followed this American trend. Dramatically changing climates has had an indelible impact on North America’s water crisis; being the root to many distressing issues. The most physically visible of these issues is the rapid melting of glaciers in the North that have been wearing thin due to increasing temperatures. The result of these melting glaciers means rivers in Canada such as the Alberta Bow’s in 50 years will be left with absolutely no flowing water aside from occasional flash floods that won’t be able to permanently restore the river (Barlow, 2007). Melting glaciers overseas will also become a very important concern as water from glaciers account for half of the worlds freshwater which at this current rate will not be able to sustain future generations. Glaciers that are melting in the seas translate to tremendous and unaffordable loss of drinking water as the freshwater diffuses into the saltwater. Further effects of climate shift will lead to evaporation of lakes which is already transpiring in the St. Lawrence River, Prairies and Great Lakes. However, one catastrophic problem that arises which may silently extinguish entire populations of life is the surging levels of acidity in the oceans; something that is being overlooked. In conclusion, the water crisis in North America has created overwhelming ecological changes, and heavy economic strain as a product of reckless over-consumption of water by humans. The effect of water pollution and vast lack of renewable water will cause great conflicts between the nations. With the water supply rapidly draining, practically Canada’s ‘abundance’ of freshwater, there needs to be a global consciousness towards the crisis. In order for North America and the world to curb the water crisis, there must first be realization and acknowledge by everyone that it exists. The next step to hindering the crisis is to sacrifice and reduce as much wasting of renewable water resources as possible, especially here in the developed world, where people are fortunate to have the surplus of resources to have access to water; whereas billions endure a daily struggle to find a glass of water. The water crisis affects everyone worldwide and the perception of this crisis being a nation versus nation, every country for themselves affair will ultimately lead to catastrophic war over water. We need to be unified in finding plausible solutions and start treating renewable water for what it is-a finite resource. Our generations always discuss about how the future will never see beautiful national parks and magnificent landscapes, but at this rate they may not ever lay eyes on lakes or rivers as the water runs dry. References BBC. (2009). World Water Crisis. _ BBC_. Retrieved April 21, 2009, http://www. bizjournals. com /losangeles/stories/2009/04/20/daily19. html Los Angeles Business. (2009). California to restart 5,000 projects. Los Angeles Business. _ _ Retrieved April 21, 2009, http://www. bizjournals. com/losangeles/stories/2009/04/20/ daily19. html Perlman, H. (2008). Irrigation water use. USGS. Retrieved April 21, 2009, http://ga. water. usgs. gov/edu/wuir. html Perlman, H (2009). Water Q&A: Water use at home. USGS. Retrieved April 21, 2009, http:// ga. water. usgs. gov/edu/wuir. html Science Daily. (1999). Water Over Water Predicted by United Nations Environmental Official. Science Daily. Retrieved April 21, 2009, http://www. sciencedaily. com/releases/1999/ 01/990106075344. htm Yi, M. (2009). Water projects to get $260 million of stimulus. San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved April 21, 2009, http://www. sfgate. com/cgi-bin/article. cgi? f=/c/a/2009 /04/15/MNUQ1735QH. DTL

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Managing Quality, Customers and Performance Essay

Managing Quality, Customers and Performance - Essay Example This statement sums up the kind of efforts required to deliver value to the customer and for producing a quality product. An individual's beliefs or conceptions about what is desirable, good or bad - forms the value system (Kotler, 1974). For Hotel Hilton, Optimus Ireland's Best award in December 2006 will go a long way towards encouraging it to perform still better. Innovation, excellence and value addition go hand in hand in today's competitive environment. Customers and the target segments are crucial stakeholders for hotel Hilton. Different types of value addition strategies are adopted by businesses to grow. These could involve trying out different types of market-product combinations, carrying out the business according to certain sets of principles, segmenting the market in their own way, or relying on the feedback of customers for shaping the final service. All this is possible only with the coordination and management of employees of the hotel, service processes, technology and other resources in order to produce better services for the customer. Hilton Hotels Corporation is recognized all over the world as a well known hospitality company1, offering guests and customers the finest accommodations, services, amenities and value for business or leisure. The group has been serving its customers for more than 80 years now. Conrad Hilton purchased his first hotel, The Mobley, in 1919, in Cisco, Texas. The first hotel to carry the "Hilton" name was built in 1925 in Dallas. There's no looking back since then. Today Hilton Hotels Corporation develops, owns, manages and franchises over 2,900 hotels, resorts and vacation ownership properties worldwide, with brand names like Hilton, Hilton Garden Inn, Doubletree, Embassy Suites Hotels, Homewood Suites by Hilton, Hampton, Hilton Grand Vacations and Conrad (Datamonitor, 2006). In recent years, Hilton has been able to boost its leading position in the corporate travel and conference markets while making significant inroads into the growing leisure sector. The hospitality sector has become very much competitive with more and more companies entering the hospitality business with innovative ideas and newer technology. In order to maintain brand advantage, Hilton is constantly developing products and services designed to meet guests' changing demands and offer an enhanced experience. In order to create more opportunities for growth the shareholder of Hilton Group approved the sale of its hotels operation to Hilton Hotels Corporation for $5,900 million in January 2006. With the present operations in more than 80 countries, the hotel chain promises much more as the awards like the Optimus Ireland's Best award encourages it to do more. 3. Role of Quality The final service/ product and quality are to be valued by the customers. Quality is a function of value addition or vice-versa. The value that has been added to the product has to be seen in relation to the customer's needs and expectations. In general, for an organisation there are both external and internal customers. The external customers are those who use the services of the hotel while the internal customers are the employees and other internal stakeholders. Once the service is delivered to the intended

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Electronic Commerce In the US Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Electronic Commerce In the US - Case Study Example Since this is a new medium for commerce and as the global marketing of goods or services is growing enormously, there is a need for redrafting the legal environment suitably. The legitimate revenues to the governments were previously realized through taxes on sales, as applicable under the standard law. This new face of marketing which is termed electronic commerce has once again highlighted the need for creating new laws to safeguard the interests of the customers as well as the manufacturers and revamping the source for taxes to be levied. The changes, which result from electronic commerce and related technology offer significant benefits to business, consumers, and government. They increase convenience, efficiency, and productivity and reduce costs. It is important to look forward to the changes and how they will influence the current tax laws as they relate to maintaining consistent revenue flows and taxpayer equity. In the U.S., the emergence of electronic commerce has left a prominent impact on the telecommunication, information and computer sectors, advertising, publishing, and media industries. The issues brought forth by the electronic commerce, which relate to sales tax and use tax, have attracted the attention of the federal, state and local governments. Promoting the growth of internet commerce is inevitable because of its potential in generating revenues and jobs and increasing productivity. However, the state and local governments are dependent on a consistent inflow of revenues to maintain essential services. Sales and use tax account for 36.7 percent of overall tax revenues. There is a need for a cooperative and simplified sales and use the tax system to provide for efficient and equitable taxation of interstate commerce. The Internet Tax Freedom Act created the Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce and this commission recommended that while the internet should not be taxed more than other channels, it should not permit the avoidance of tax. The remote vendors argued that imposition of sales tax collection responsibilities in all of the thousands of the taxing jurisdictions in the U.S. would create an unacceptable burden (Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, September 22, 1999). The doctrine of sovereign immunity, in international law, permits a court to give up its jurisdictional rights in respect of foreign enterprises or countries. This doctrine has as its bases the traditional notions that a sovereign should not be subject to litigation in a foreign court. The result is that investors may be unable to obtain relief in their country's legal system. In some countries, this doctrine's application to commerce has been limited. While contracting with a private party if a foreign nation does not allow itself to be subject to the local laws, then recourse to U.S. courts in case of a breach is not possible.